
《Marineand PetroleumGeology》副主编,《地质论评》、《古地理学报》编委,中国地质学会地质教育研究分会副会长,中国石油大学(华东)油气储层研究中心主任。
Ø1.Yingchang Cao *, Yuan Guanghui, Li Xiaoyan, Wang Yanzhong, XiKelai, Wang Xiaoming, Jia Zhenzhen, Yang Tian. Characteristics andorigin of abnormally high porosity zones in buried Paleogeneclastic reservoirs in the Shengtuo area,Dongying Sag, East China.Petroleum Science, 2014, 11: 346-362.
Ø2.Yingchang Cao *, Wang Yanzhong, Gluyas Jon, Liu Huinin, LiuHaining, Song Mingshui. Depositional model for lacustrinenearshore subaqueous fans in a rift basin as exemplified by theEocene Shahejie Formation, Dongying Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China.Sedimentology, 2018, Accepted.
Ø3.Jian Wang, Ying-chang Cao, Xin-tong Wang, Ke-yu Liu, Zhu-kun Wang,Qi-song Xu. Sedimentological constraints on the initial uplift ofthe West Bogda Mountains in Mid-Permian [J]. Scientific Reports,2018, 8: 1453.
Ø4.Guanghui Yuan, Yingchang Cao*, Jon Gluyas, Zhenzhen Jia. Reactivetransport modeling of coupled feldspar dissolution and secondarymineral precipitation and its implication for diageneticinteraction in sandstones [J].Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,2017, 207:232-255.
Ø5.Guanghui Yuan, Yingchang Cao*, Yongchao Zhang, Jon Gluyas.Diagenesis and reservoir quality of sandstones with ancient “deep”incursion of meteoric freshwater——An example in the Nanpu Sag,Bohai Bay Basin, East China [J]. Marine and Petroleum Geology,2017, 82: 444-464.
Ø6.Jian Wang, Yingchang Cao*, Keyu Liu, Jie Liu, Muhammad Kashif.Identification of sedimentary-diagenetic facies and reservoirporosity and permeability prediction: An example from the Eocenebeach-bar sandstone in the Dongying Depression, China [J]. Marineand Petroleum Geology, 2017, 82: 69-84.
Ø7.Benben Ma, Yingchang Cao*, Kenneth A. Eriksson, Yancong Jia,Benjamin C.Gill. Depositional and diagenetic controls ondeeply-buried Eocene sublacustrine fan reservoirs in the DongyingDepression, Bohai Bay Basin, China[J]. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2017,82: 297-317.
Ø8.Benben Ma, Yingchang Cao*, Kenneth A. Eriksson, Yancong Jia,Yanzhong Wang. Burial evolution of evaporites with implicationsfor sublacustrine fan reservoir quality: A case study from theEocene Es4x interval, Dongying depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China[J]. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2016, 76: 98-114.
Ø9.Jian Wang, Yingchang Cao*, Keyu Liu, Jie Liu, Xiujie Xue, QisongXu. Pore fluid evolution, distribution and water-rock interactionsof carbonate cements in red-bed sandstone reservoirs in theDongying Depression, China [J]. Marine and Petroleum Geology,2016, 72: 279-294.
Ø10.Kelai Xi, Yingchang Cao*, Beyene Girma Haile, Rukai Zhu, JensJahren, Knut Bjørlykke, Xiangxiang Zhang, Helge Hellevang. Howdoes the pore-throat size control the reservoir quality andoiliness of tight sandstones? The case of the Lower CretaceousQuantou Formation in the southern Songliao Basin, China [J].Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2016, 76: 1-15.
Ø11.Kelai Xi, Yingchang Cao*, Jens Jahren, Rukai Zhu, Knut Bjørlykke,Xiangxiang Zhang, Laixing Cai, Helge Hellevang. Quartz cement andits origin in tight sandstone reservoirs of the Cretaceous Quantouformation in the southern Songliao basin, China [J]. Marine andPetroleum Geology, 2015, 66: 748-763.
Ø12.Guanghui Yuan, Yingchang Cao*, Zhenzhen Jia, Jon Gluyas, TianYang,Yanzhong Wang, Kelai Xi. Selective dissolution of feldspars in thepresence of carbonates: The way to generate secondary pores inburied sandstones by organic CO2 [J]. Marine and PetroleumGeology, 2015, 60: 105-119. SCI.
Ø13.Yuan Guanghui, Jon Gluyas, Cao Yingchang*, Norman H.Oxtoby,Zhenzhen Jia, Yanzhong Wang, Kelai Xi, Xiaoyan Li. Diagenesis andreservoir quality evolution of the Eocene sandstones in thenorthern Dongying Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, East China. Marine andPetroleum Geology [J], 2015, 62: 77-89. SCI.
Ø14.Tian Yang, Yingchang Cao*, Henrik Friis, Keyu Liu, Yanzhong Wang,Lingli Zhou, Shaomin Zhang, Huina Zhang. Genesis and distributionpattern of carbonate cements in lacustrine deep-water gravity-flowsandstone reservoirs in the third member of the Shahejie Formationin the Dongying Sag, Jiyang Depression, Eastern China[J]. Marineand Petroleum Geology, 2017, online.
Ø15.Guanghui Yuan, Yingchang Cao*, Longwei Qiu, Zhonghong Chen.Genetic mechanism of high-quality reservoirs in Permian tight fandelta conglomerates at the northwestern margin of the Junggarbasin, northwestern China[J]. AAPG Bulletin, 2017,101(12):1995-2019.
Ø16.Kelai Xi, Yingchang Cao*, Rukai Zhu, Beyene Girma Haile, HelgeHellevang. Evidences of localized CO2-induced diagenesis in theCretaceous Quantou Formation, southern Songliao Basin, China[J].International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2016,52: 155-174.
Ø17.Kelai Xi, Yingchang Cao*, Jens Jahren, Rukai Zhu, Knut Bjørlykke,Beyene GirmaHaile, Lijing Zheng, Helge Hellevang. Diagenesis andreservoir quality of the Lower Cretaceous Quantou Formation tightsandstones in the southern Songliao Basin, China[J]. SedimentaryGeology, 2015, 330,90-107.
Ø18.Kelai Xi, Yingchang Cao*, Yanzhong Wang, Beyene Girma Haile,Xiangxiang Zhang, Jianghua Zhang, Jiehua Jin. Diagenesis andporosity-permeability evolution of low permeability reservoirs: Acase study of Jurassic Sangonghe Formation in Block 1, centralJunggar Basin, NW China[J]. Petroleum Exploration and Development,2015, 42(4): 475-485.
Ø19.KelaiXi, Yingchang Cao*, Keyu Liu, et al. Factors influencing oilsaturation and exploration fairways in the lower CretaceousQuantou Formation tight sandstones, southern Songliao Basin,China[J].Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2018, accepted.
Ø20.Jian Wang, Yingchang Cao*, Guoqi Song, Huimin Liu. Diageneticevolution and formation mechanism of quality reservoirs undermultiple diagenetic environmental constraints: an example from thePaleogene beach-bar sandstone reservoirs in the Dongyingdepression, Bohai Bay Basin [J]. Acta Geologica Sinica (EnglishEdition), 2017, 91(1): 232-248.
Ø21.Tian Yang, Yingchang Cao*, Yanzhong Wang. A New Discovery of theEarly Cretaceous Supercritical Hyperpycnal Flow Deposits onLingshan Island, East China [J]. Acta Geologica Sinica(EnglishEdition),2017,91(2):749-750.
7.王艳忠,操应长,马奔奔,程鑫,刘海宁,齐明明,宋丙慧.近岸水下扇砂砾岩沉积单元体划分方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL2015 1 0498333.6,授权公告日:2017年10月10日.
8.王艳忠,操应长,程鑫,马奔奔,刘海宁,齐明明,宋丙慧.近岸水下扇洪水沉积单元体最大延伸距离量化预测方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL2015 1 0498335.5,授权公告日:2017年7月21日.
9.王艳忠,操应长,马奔奔,宋丙慧,程鑫.近岸水下扇砂砾岩有效连通体划分和对比方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL2015 1 0500026.7,授权公告日:2017年7月21日.
发布人:葸克来 发布时间:2018-09-26 浏览次数:905
»学位:博士 | |
»职称:教授 | |
»导师类别:博士生导师 | |
»电子邮箱:caoych@upc.edu.cn | |
»通讯地址:山东省青岛市黄岛区长江西路66号 | |
»概况: 【研究方向】 Ø含油气盆地层序地层学 Ø含油气盆地砂体沉积学 Ø含油气盆地储层地质学 【学术兼职】 《Marineand PetroleumGeology》副主编,《地质论评》、《古地理学报》编委,中国地质学会地质教育研究分会副会长,中国石油大学(华东)油气储层研究中心主任。 【教育经历】 2000/09-2003/07,中科院广州地化所,地质学,博士 1995/09-1998/07,石油大学(华东),地质学,硕士 1988/08-1992/07,石油大学(华东),资源勘查工程,学士 【科研工作】 自1992年参加工作以来,作为项目负责人主持了国家油气重大专项、国家自然基金重点项目、面上项目等。近几年来承担的主要科研项目: Ø2018/01-2021/12,国家自然基金石油化工联合基金重点项目,NO.U1762217,陆相湖盆页岩油储层形成演化与成因机制,负责人 Ø2017/01-2021/12,中国科学院A类先导项目,NO.XDA14010301,塔里木盆地深层断裂体系及其形成演化,负责人 Ø2016/01-2020/12,国家科技重大专项,NO.2016ZX05007,渤海湾盆地深层油气地质与增储方向,负责人 Ø2014/01-2018/12,973项目,NO.2014CB239000,咸化湖盆白云石化作用及致密储层分布规律,负责人 Ø国家自然基金联合基金重点支持项目(U1262203):致密砂岩油气储层储集性能量化表征及其有效性评价,2013.01-2016.12,第1负责人 Ø国家自然基金面上项目(40972080):东营凹陷古近系中深层孔隙度高值带成因机制及其量化预测研究,2010.01-2012.12,第1负责人 Ø教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-06-0604):断陷湖盆油气储层沉积成岩动力学,2007.01-2009.12,第1负责人 Ø国家油气重大专项(2008ZX05051-02-01):东营凹陷沙河街组碎屑岩储层纵向演化及其量化表征研究,2009.01-2010.12,第1负责人 Ø国家油气重大专项(2011ZX05006-003):济阳坳陷低渗透储层有效性量化预测模型,2011.01-2015.12,第1负责人 【获奖情况】 通过多年的科研攻关,在含油气盆地层序地层学、含油气盆地砂体沉积学、含油气盆地储层地质学等方面形成了自己的特色和相应的研究成果,相关研究成果先后获得国家、山东省、教育部、中国石化等科技进步奖9项。近几年来获得省部以上奖励: Ø“陆相湖盆层序地层学研究及其在油气勘探开发中的应用”,2005年度国家科技进步二等奖,排名第3 Ø“陆相湖盆层序地层学研究及其在油气勘探开发中的应用”,2003年获山东省科技进步一等奖,排名第2 Ø“断陷湖盆复杂砂体精细表征与储层评价关键技术及其应用”,2012年获山东省科技进步一等奖,排名第1 Ø“地质转换系统与油气预测”,1996年度获教育部科技进步二等奖,排名第3 Ø“盐家地区深层砂砾岩油藏地质模型与勘探实践”,2010年度获中国石油化工集团公司二等奖,排名第4 Ø“陆相湖盆油气储层研究”,2002年度获山东省自然科学三等奖,排名第2 Ø“惠民凹陷中央隆起带沙三、沙四沉积体系及油气预测”,2000年度获山东省科技进步二等奖,排名第3 【论文专著】 先后在《地质科学》、《岩石学报》、《地质论评》、第三十届国际地质大会等刊物和会议公开发表学术论文80余篇,申请专利7件,公开出版学术专著4部。代表性论文、专著: Ø1.Yingchang Cao *, Yuan Guanghui, Li Xiaoyan, Wang Yanzhong, XiKelai, Wang Xiaoming, Jia Zhenzhen, Yang Tian. Characteristics andorigin of abnormally high porosity zones in buried Paleogeneclastic reservoirs in the Shengtuo area,Dongying Sag, East China.Petroleum Science, 2014, 11: 346-362. Ø2.Yingchang Cao *, Wang Yanzhong, Gluyas Jon, Liu Huinin, LiuHaining, Song Mingshui. Depositional model for lacustrinenearshore subaqueous fans in a rift basin as exemplified by theEocene Shahejie Formation, Dongying Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China.Sedimentology, 2018, Accepted. Ø3.Jian Wang, Ying-chang Cao, Xin-tong Wang, Ke-yu Liu, Zhu-kun Wang,Qi-song Xu. Sedimentological constraints on the initial uplift ofthe West Bogda Mountains in Mid-Permian [J]. Scientific Reports,2018, 8: 1453. Ø4.Guanghui Yuan, Yingchang Cao*, Jon Gluyas, Zhenzhen Jia. Reactivetransport modeling of coupled feldspar dissolution and secondarymineral precipitation and its implication for diageneticinteraction in sandstones [J].Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,2017, 207:232-255. Ø5.Guanghui Yuan, Yingchang Cao*, Yongchao Zhang, Jon Gluyas.Diagenesis and reservoir quality of sandstones with ancient “deep”incursion of meteoric freshwater——An example in the Nanpu Sag,Bohai Bay Basin, East China [J]. Marine and Petroleum Geology,2017, 82: 444-464. Ø6.Jian Wang, Yingchang Cao*, Keyu Liu, Jie Liu, Muhammad Kashif.Identification of sedimentary-diagenetic facies and reservoirporosity and permeability prediction: An example from the Eocenebeach-bar sandstone in the Dongying Depression, China [J]. Marineand Petroleum Geology, 2017, 82: 69-84. Ø7.Benben Ma, Yingchang Cao*, Kenneth A. Eriksson, Yancong Jia,Benjamin C.Gill. Depositional and diagenetic controls ondeeply-buried Eocene sublacustrine fan reservoirs in the DongyingDepression, Bohai Bay Basin, China[J]. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2017,82: 297-317. Ø8.Benben Ma, Yingchang Cao*, Kenneth A. Eriksson, Yancong Jia,Yanzhong Wang. Burial evolution of evaporites with implicationsfor sublacustrine fan reservoir quality: A case study from theEocene Es4x interval, Dongying depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China[J]. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2016, 76: 98-114. Ø9.Jian Wang, Yingchang Cao*, Keyu Liu, Jie Liu, Xiujie Xue, QisongXu. Pore fluid evolution, distribution and water-rock interactionsof carbonate cements in red-bed sandstone reservoirs in theDongying Depression, China [J]. Marine and Petroleum Geology,2016, 72: 279-294. Ø10.Kelai Xi, Yingchang Cao*, Beyene Girma Haile, Rukai Zhu, JensJahren, Knut Bjørlykke, Xiangxiang Zhang, Helge Hellevang. Howdoes the pore-throat size control the reservoir quality andoiliness of tight sandstones? The case of the Lower CretaceousQuantou Formation in the southern Songliao Basin, China [J].Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2016, 76: 1-15. Ø11.Kelai Xi, Yingchang Cao*, Jens Jahren, Rukai Zhu, Knut Bjørlykke,Xiangxiang Zhang, Laixing Cai, Helge Hellevang. Quartz cement andits origin in tight sandstone reservoirs of the Cretaceous Quantouformation in the southern Songliao basin, China [J]. Marine andPetroleum Geology, 2015, 66: 748-763. Ø12.Guanghui Yuan, Yingchang Cao*, Zhenzhen Jia, Jon Gluyas, TianYang,Yanzhong Wang, Kelai Xi. Selective dissolution of feldspars in thepresence of carbonates: The way to generate secondary pores inburied sandstones by organic CO2 [J]. Marine and PetroleumGeology, 2015, 60: 105-119. SCI. Ø13.Yuan Guanghui, Jon Gluyas, Cao Yingchang*, Norman H.Oxtoby,Zhenzhen Jia, Yanzhong Wang, Kelai Xi, Xiaoyan Li. Diagenesis andreservoir quality evolution of the Eocene sandstones in thenorthern Dongying Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, East China. Marine andPetroleum Geology [J], 2015, 62: 77-89. SCI. Ø14.Tian Yang, Yingchang Cao*, Henrik Friis, Keyu Liu, Yanzhong Wang,Lingli Zhou, Shaomin Zhang, Huina Zhang. Genesis and distributionpattern of carbonate cements in lacustrine deep-water gravity-flowsandstone reservoirs in the third member of the Shahejie Formationin the Dongying Sag, Jiyang Depression, Eastern China[J]. Marineand Petroleum Geology, 2017, online. Ø15.Guanghui Yuan, Yingchang Cao*, Longwei Qiu, Zhonghong Chen.Genetic mechanism of high-quality reservoirs in Permian tight fandelta conglomerates at the northwestern margin of the Junggarbasin, northwestern China[J]. AAPG Bulletin, 2017,101(12):1995-2019. Ø16.Kelai Xi, Yingchang Cao*, Rukai Zhu, Beyene Girma Haile, HelgeHellevang. Evidences of localized CO2-induced diagenesis in theCretaceous Quantou Formation, southern Songliao Basin, China[J].International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2016,52: 155-174. Ø17.Kelai Xi, Yingchang Cao*, Jens Jahren, Rukai Zhu, Knut Bjørlykke,Beyene GirmaHaile, Lijing Zheng, Helge Hellevang. Diagenesis andreservoir quality of the Lower Cretaceous Quantou Formation tightsandstones in the southern Songliao Basin, China[J]. SedimentaryGeology, 2015, 330,90-107. Ø18.Kelai Xi, Yingchang Cao*, Yanzhong Wang, Beyene Girma Haile,Xiangxiang Zhang, Jianghua Zhang, Jiehua Jin. Diagenesis andporosity-permeability evolution of low permeability reservoirs: Acase study of Jurassic Sangonghe Formation in Block 1, centralJunggar Basin, NW China[J]. Petroleum Exploration and Development,2015, 42(4): 475-485. Ø19.KelaiXi, Yingchang Cao*, Keyu Liu, et al. Factors influencing oilsaturation and exploration fairways in the lower CretaceousQuantou Formation tight sandstones, southern Songliao Basin,China[J].Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2018, accepted. Ø20.Jian Wang, Yingchang Cao*, Guoqi Song, Huimin Liu. 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