[1] Miruo Lin, Kelai Xi, Yingchang Cao, et al. Cyclicity related to solar activity in lacustrine organic-rich shales and their significance to shale-oil reservoir formation. Geoscience Frontiers, 2023, 14(5): 101586.
Cyclicity related to solar.pdf
[2] Miruo Lin, Kelai Xi, Yingchang Cao, et al. Periodic paleo-environment oscillation on multi-timescales in the Triassic and their significant implications for algal blooms: A case study on the lacustrine shales in Ordos Basin[J]. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2023, 612: 111376.
Periodic paleo-environment.pdf
[3] Kelai Xi , Xinhui Huo , Miruo Lin , Yuanyuan Zhang , Ke Li. Genetic mechanism of multi-scale sedimentary cycles and their impacts on shale-oil distribution in Permian Lucaogou Formation, Jimusar Sag, Junggar Basin. Unconventional Resources, 3 (2023) 225–236.
Genetic mechanism of multi-scale sedimentary cycl.pdf
[4] Haoran Xie, Chao Liang , Jing Wu, Yingchang Cao, Yu Han , Yudi Liu, Zilong Zhao . Multiple geological events controlling rock types development: A case study of Wufeng-Longmaxi formation in southern Sichuan Basin, China. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 227 (2023) 211826.
Multiple geological events controlling rock types.pdf
[5] Sheng Kai, Wang Yanzhong*, Cao Yingchang, Wang Shuping, Wang Yongshi, Ma Shuai, and Du Yujie. Influence of multistage hydrothermal fluids on dolomite reservoirs: A case study from the Lower Ordovician Yeli-Liangjiashan Formation in the Chengdao-Zhuanghai area, Jiyang subbasin, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Society of America Bulletin, 2023, 136 (5-6): 2111-2136.
Kai Sheng2023——Influence of multistage hydrotherm.pdf
[6] Zhang Yifan, Xi Kelai*, Cao Yingchang, Yang Xianzhang, Xu Zhenping, Zhou Lu, Yu Guoding, Han Zhanghua, Zhang Zehan. Evidence of deep fluid activity in Jurassic tight sandstone reservoirs in the Northern Kuqa Depression. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2023, 153, 106284.
Evidence of deep fluid activity in Jurassic tight sandstone reservoirs in the Northern Kuqa Depression.pdf
[7] Li Ke, Xi Kelai*, Cao Yingchang, Wang YouCheng, Lin Miruo. Genesis of granular calcite in lacustrine fine-grained sedimentary rocks and its indication to volcanic-hydrothermal events: A case study of Permian Lucaogou Formation in Jimusar Sag, Junggar Basin, NW China. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2023, 50 (3): 615-627.
Genesis of granular calcite in lacustrine fine-grained sedimentary rocks and its indication to volcanic-hydrothermal events.pdf
[8] Yuan G., Wu S., Cao Y., Jin Z., Liu K. and Wang Y. Mixing processes and patterns of fluids in alkane- CO2-water systems under high temperature and high pressure—microscopic visual physical thermal simulations and molecular dynamics simulations. Sci. China Earth Sci. 66 (2023), 1622-1646.
Mixing_proces...s_simulations_Guanghui YUAN.pdf
[9] Zihao JIN, Guanghui YUAN, Xiangtao ZHANG, Yingchang CAO, Lin DING, Xiaoyan LI, Xiaohan FU. Differences of tuffaceous components dissolution and their impact on physical properties in sandstone reservoirs: A case study on Paleogene Wenchang Formation in Huizhou-Lufeng area, Zhu I Depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin, China. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 50, 1, 2023, Pages 111-124
Differences o... Basin, China_JIN Zihao.pdf
[10] Liang Chao, Cao Yingchang, Wu Jing, Han Yu, Liu Keyu, Hao Fang, Danish Khan, Mei Junfang,Water depth-terrigenous input dynamic equilibrium controls the Eocene lacustrine shale laminae records in Jiyang Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, East China. AAPG Bulletin, 2023.
Water depth-terrigenous input dynamic equilibrium controls the Eocene lacustrine shale laminae records in Jiyang Depression.pdf
[11] Jianliang Liu, Xianzhang Yang, Keyu Liu*, Zhenping Xu, Kun Jia, Lu Zhou, Hongxing Wei, Liang Zhang, Shaojun Wu, Xinzhuo Wei. Differential hydrocarbon generation and evolution of typical terrestrial gas-prone source rocks: An example from the Kuqa foreland basin, NW China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2023, 152, 106225.
Differential hydrocarbon generation and evolution of typical terrestrial gas-prone source rocks.pdf
[12] Changwei Li, Keyu Liu, Jianliang Liu, 2023. A petroliferous Ediacaran microbial-dominated carbonate reservoir play in the central Sichuan Basin, China: Characteristics and diagenetic evolution. Precambrian Research, 384, 106937.
A petroliferous Ediacaran microbial-dominated carbonate reservoir play in the central Sichuan Basin.pdf
[13] Fan, Y., Liu, K., 2023. Large-volume FIB-SEM 3D reconstruction: An effective method for characterizing pore space of lacustrine shales. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 1046927.
[14] Shang, Y., Liu, K., Gao, Z., Zhang, C., Wang, Z., 2023. The boundary between the Middle and Upper Cambrian strata in the Tarim Basin, NW China: regional to global SPICE event correlation. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 105869.
The boundary between the Middle and Upper Cambrian strata in the Tarim Basin.pdf
[15] Yu, G., Liu, K., Xi, K., Yang, X., Yuan, J., Xu, Z., Zhou, L., Hou, S., 2023. Variations and causes of in-situ stress orientations in the Dibei-Tuziluoke Gas Field in the Kuqa foreland basin, western China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 106528.
Variations and causes of in-situ stress orientations in the Dibei-Tuziluoke Gas.pdf
[16] Wang, S., Liu, K., Wang, J., Li, Y., Li, Z., Yang, H., Mo, T., 2023. Geochemistry of syntaxial calcite veins in ultra-deep sandstone reservoirs from the Kuqa depression, western China. Journal of Structural Geology, 104895.
Geochemistry of syntaxial calcite veins in ultra-deep sandstone reservoirs from the Kuqa depression, western China.pdf
[17] CAO Yingchang, SUN Peipei, ZHOU Lihong, YUAN Guanghui, LIU Huimin, LOU Da, WU Zhiping, JIN Qiang, JIANG Youlu. Evolution characteristics and exploration targets of Permian clastic rock reservoirs in Bohai Bay Basin, East China. PETROLEUM EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT, Volume 50, Issue 5, October 2023.
Evolution characteristics and exploration targets of.pdf
[18] Weijiao Ma, Yingchang Cao, Kelai Xi, Miruo Lin, Jinzhong Liu, Yunpeng Wang. The effect of lamina and lithofacies assemblage on molecular maturity of oil in a shale source-rock reservoir. International Journal of Coal Geology. 279 (2023) 104373.
The effect of lamina and lithofacies assemblage on molecular maturity of oil.pdf
[19] 操应长,孙沛沛,周立宏,远光辉,刘惠民,楼达,吴智平,金强,蒋有录。渤海湾盆地二叠系碎屑岩优质储集层成因与勘探方向,石油勘探与开发,Vol.50 No.5。
[20] 郭豪,王艳忠,操应长,孟涛,王淑萍,李宇志,石泉青,王加明,李雪哲. 多期石油充注对中深层碎屑岩储层压溶作用的影响——以车镇凹陷北带沙三下亚段砂砾岩储层为例. 石油学报, 2023, 44(3): 485-499, 517.
[21] 刘佳庚,王艳忠,操应长,孙沛沛,何旭豪,何瑞武,郭迎春.惠民凹陷大芦家地区沙一中亚段沉积特征及储层评价.沉积学报,2023, 41(3): 855-566. DOI: 10.14027/j.issn.1000⁃0550.2021.115.
[22] 刘雨迪,梁超,操应长,吴靖,韩豫,谢浩然,罗子良,马哓月.川南五峰组—龙马溪组页岩岩相特征及沉积作用[J/OL].沉积学报:1-24[2023-03-02].DOI:10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2022.153.
[23] 梁超,刘雨迪,操应长,吴靖,韩豫,谢浩然,籍士超.扬子地区奥陶纪-志留纪转折期多事件耦合关系及有机质的富集[J].中国石油大学学报(自然科学版).
[24] 远光辉, 吴姝琪, 操应长, 靳子濠, 刘可禹, 王艳忠. 高温高压下烷烃-CO2-水混溶过程与模式——基于显微可视化热模拟和分子动力学模拟,中国科学: 地球科学,2023年第53卷第7期: 1637 ~ 1662。
[25] 李克,葸克来,操应长,王有成,林敉若. 湖相细粒沉积岩中晶粒方解石成因及其对火山-热液活动的指示——以吉木萨尔凹陷二叠系芦草沟组为例,石油勘探与开发,2023.6,Vol.50 No.3。
[26] 韩学雨,李玉海,楼达,王文庆,王铸坤,孙沛沛,郑直,远光辉. 黄骅坳陷孔西斜坡区奥陶系原生油气藏成藏过程及模式,吉林大学学报(地球科学版),2023.3第53卷第2期。
[27] 谢浩然,梁超,吴靖,籍士超。火山活动对沉积古环境及有机质富集的影响,古地理学报,2023.8,第25卷第4期。
[28] 操应长,梁超,韩豫,葸克来,王俊然,籍士超,梅俊芳。基于物质来源及成因的细粒沉积岩分类方案探讨,古地理学报,2023.8,第25卷第4期。
[29] 葸克来,张媛媛,操应长,宫剑飞,李克,林敉若。孔喉微观润湿性对页岩油赋存的控制作用——以准噶尔盆地吉木萨尔凹陷二叠系芦草沟组纹层状页岩为例,石油勘探与开发,2023.4,Vol.50 No.2。
[30] 靳子濠,远光辉,张向涛,操应长,丁琳,李晓艳,傅筱涵. 砂岩储集层凝灰质溶蚀作用的差异 性及其物性响应——以珠一坳陷惠州—陆丰地区古近系文昌组为例,石油勘探与开发,2023.4,Vol.50 No.1。
[31] 刘可禹,刘建良. 2023. 盆地沉积充填演化与含油气系统耦合模拟方法在超深层油气成藏模拟中的应用—以四川盆地中部震旦系灯影组为例. 石油学报,44(9):1445~1458.
[32] 刘可禹,杨鹏,杨海军,刘建良,宋雅雅,魏心卓. 重新审视深层油气成藏模式:以塔里木盆地为例. 地质学报,2023,doi: 10.19762/j.cnki.dizhixuebao.2023203.
[33] 刘可禹,张书林,杨鹏.低温相变过程对石英矿物中盐水包裹体再平衡作用的影响[J].石油实验地质, 2023, 45(5). DOI: 10.11781/sysydz202305000.
发布人:葸克来 发布时间:2024-09-05 浏览次数:283
[1] Miruo Lin, Kelai Xi, Yingchang Cao, et al. Cyclicity related to solar activity in lacustrine organic-rich shales and their significance to shale-oil reservoir formation. Geoscience Frontiers, 2023, 14(5): 101586.Cyclicity related to solar.pdf
[2] Miruo Lin, Kelai Xi, Yingchang Cao, et al. Periodic paleo-environment oscillation on multi-timescales in the Triassic and their significant implications for algal blooms: A case study on the lacustrine shales in Ordos Basin[J]. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2023, 612: 111376.Periodic paleo-environment.pdf
[3] Kelai Xi , Xinhui Huo , Miruo Lin , Yuanyuan Zhang , Ke Li. Genetic mechanism of multi-scale sedimentary cycles and their impacts on shale-oil distribution in Permian Lucaogou Formation, Jimusar Sag, Junggar Basin. Unconventional Resources, 3 (2023) 225–236.Genetic mechanism of multi-scale sedimentary cycl.pdf
[4] Haoran Xie, Chao Liang , Jing Wu, Yingchang Cao, Yu Han , Yudi Liu, Zilong Zhao . Multiple geological events controlling rock types development: A case study of Wufeng-Longmaxi formation in southern Sichuan Basin, China. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 227 (2023) 211826.Multiple geological events controlling rock types.pdf
[5] Sheng Kai, Wang Yanzhong*, Cao Yingchang, Wang Shuping, Wang Yongshi, Ma Shuai, and Du Yujie. Influence of multistage hydrothermal fluids on dolomite reservoirs: A case study from the Lower Ordovician Yeli-Liangjiashan Formation in the Chengdao-Zhuanghai area, Jiyang subbasin, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Society of America Bulletin, 2023, 136 (5-6): 2111-2136.Kai Sheng2023——Influence of multistage hydrotherm.pdf
[6] Zhang Yifan, Xi Kelai*, Cao Yingchang, Yang Xianzhang, Xu Zhenping, Zhou Lu, Yu Guoding, Han Zhanghua, Zhang Zehan. Evidence of deep fluid activity in Jurassic tight sandstone reservoirs in the Northern Kuqa Depression. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2023, 153, 106284.Evidence of deep fluid activity in Jurassic tight sandstone reservoirs in the Northern Kuqa Depression.pdf
[7] Li Ke, Xi Kelai*, Cao Yingchang, Wang YouCheng, Lin Miruo. Genesis of granular calcite in lacustrine fine-grained sedimentary rocks and its indication to volcanic-hydrothermal events: A case study of Permian Lucaogou Formation in Jimusar Sag, Junggar Basin, NW China. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2023, 50 (3): 615-627.Genesis of granular calcite in lacustrine fine-grained sedimentary rocks and its indication to volcanic-hydrothermal events.pdf
[8] Yuan G., Wu S., Cao Y., Jin Z., Liu K. and Wang Y. Mixing processes and patterns of fluids in alkane- CO2-water systems under high temperature and high pressure—microscopic visual physical thermal simulations and molecular dynamics simulations. Sci. China Earth Sci. 66 (2023), 1622-1646.Mixing_proces...s_simulations_Guanghui YUAN.pdf
[9] Zihao JIN, Guanghui YUAN, Xiangtao ZHANG, Yingchang CAO, Lin DING, Xiaoyan LI, Xiaohan FU. Differences of tuffaceous components dissolution and their impact on physical properties in sandstone reservoirs: A case study on Paleogene Wenchang Formation in Huizhou-Lufeng area, Zhu I Depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin, China. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 50, 1, 2023, Pages 111-124Differences o... Basin, China_JIN Zihao.pdf
[10] Liang Chao, Cao Yingchang, Wu Jing, Han Yu, Liu Keyu, Hao Fang, Danish Khan, Mei Junfang,Water depth-terrigenous input dynamic equilibrium controls the Eocene lacustrine shale laminae records in Jiyang Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, East China. AAPG Bulletin, 2023.Water depth-terrigenous input dynamic equilibrium controls the Eocene lacustrine shale laminae records in Jiyang Depression.pdf
[11] Jianliang Liu, Xianzhang Yang, Keyu Liu*, Zhenping Xu, Kun Jia, Lu Zhou, Hongxing Wei, Liang Zhang, Shaojun Wu, Xinzhuo Wei. Differential hydrocarbon generation and evolution of typical terrestrial gas-prone source rocks: An example from the Kuqa foreland basin, NW China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2023, 152, 106225.Differential hydrocarbon generation and evolution of typical terrestrial gas-prone source rocks.pdf
[12] Changwei Li, Keyu Liu, Jianliang Liu, 2023. A petroliferous Ediacaran microbial-dominated carbonate reservoir play in the central Sichuan Basin, China: Characteristics and diagenetic evolution. Precambrian Research, 384, 106937.A petroliferous Ediacaran microbial-dominated carbonate reservoir play in the central Sichuan Basin.pdf
[13] Fan, Y., Liu, K., 2023. Large-volume FIB-SEM 3D reconstruction: An effective method for characterizing pore space of lacustrine shales. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 1046927.范雨辰Large-volumeFIB-SEM3DreconstructionAneffectivemethodforcharacterizingporespaceoflacustrineshales.pdf
[14] Shang, Y., Liu, K., Gao, Z., Zhang, C., Wang, Z., 2023. The boundary between the Middle and Upper Cambrian strata in the Tarim Basin, NW China: regional to global SPICE event correlation. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 105869.The boundary between the Middle and Upper Cambrian strata in the Tarim Basin.pdf
[15] Yu, G., Liu, K., Xi, K., Yang, X., Yuan, J., Xu, Z., Zhou, L., Hou, S., 2023. Variations and causes of in-situ stress orientations in the Dibei-Tuziluoke Gas Field in the Kuqa foreland basin, western China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 106528.Variations and causes of in-situ stress orientations in the Dibei-Tuziluoke Gas.pdf
[16] Wang, S., Liu, K., Wang, J., Li, Y., Li, Z., Yang, H., Mo, T., 2023. Geochemistry of syntaxial calcite veins in ultra-deep sandstone reservoirs from the Kuqa depression, western China. Journal of Structural Geology, 104895.Geochemistry of syntaxial calcite veins in ultra-deep sandstone reservoirs from the Kuqa depression, western China.pdf
[17] CAO Yingchang, SUN Peipei, ZHOU Lihong, YUAN Guanghui, LIU Huimin, LOU Da, WU Zhiping, JIN Qiang, JIANG Youlu. Evolution characteristics and exploration targets of Permian clastic rock reservoirs in Bohai Bay Basin, East China. PETROLEUM EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT, Volume 50, Issue 5, October 2023.Evolution characteristics and exploration targets of.pdf
[18] Weijiao Ma, Yingchang Cao, Kelai Xi, Miruo Lin, Jinzhong Liu, Yunpeng Wang. The effect of lamina and lithofacies assemblage on molecular maturity of oil in a shale source-rock reservoir. International Journal of Coal Geology. 279 (2023) 104373.The effect of lamina and lithofacies assemblage on molecular maturity of oil.pdf
[19] 操应长,孙沛沛,周立宏,远光辉,刘惠民,楼达,吴智平,金强,蒋有录。渤海湾盆地二叠系碎屑岩优质储集层成因与勘探方向,石油勘探与开发,Vol.50 No.5。渤海湾盆地二叠系碎屑岩优质储集层成因与勘探方向.pdf
[20] 郭豪,王艳忠,操应长,孟涛,王淑萍,李宇志,石泉青,王加明,李雪哲. 多期石油充注对中深层碎屑岩储层压溶作用的影响——以车镇凹陷北带沙三下亚段砂砾岩储层为例. 石油学报, 2023, 44(3): 485-499, 517.多期石油充注对中—深层碎屑.pdf
[21] 刘佳庚,王艳忠,操应长,孙沛沛,何旭豪,何瑞武,郭迎春.惠民凹陷大芦家地区沙一中亚段沉积特征及储层评价.沉积学报,2023, 41(3): 855-566. DOI: 10.14027/j.issn.1000⁃0550.2021.115.惠民凹陷大芦家地区沙.pdf
[22] 刘雨迪,梁超,操应长,吴靖,韩豫,谢浩然,罗子良,马哓月.川南五峰组—龙马溪组页岩岩相特征及沉积作用[J/OL].沉积学报:1-24[2023-03-02].DOI:10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2022.153.川南五峰组—龙马溪组页岩岩相特征及沉积作用.pdf
[23] 梁超,刘雨迪,操应长,吴靖,韩豫,谢浩然,籍士超.扬子地区奥陶纪-志留纪转折期多事件耦合关系及有机质的富集[J].中国石油大学学报(自然科学版).扬子地区奥陶纪—志留纪转折...多事件耦合关系及有机质富集_梁超.pdf
[24] 远光辉, 吴姝琪, 操应长, 靳子濠, 刘可禹, 王艳忠. 高温高压下烷烃-CO2-水混溶过程与模式——基于显微可视化热模拟和分子动力学模拟,中国科学: 地球科学,2023年第53卷第7期: 1637 ~ 1662。高温高压下烷烃-CO_2-...视化热模拟和分子动力学模拟_远光辉.pdf
[25] 李克,葸克来,操应长,王有成,林敉若. 湖相细粒沉积岩中晶粒方解石成因及其对火山-热液活动的指示——以吉木萨尔凹陷二叠系芦草沟组为例,石油勘探与开发,2023.6,Vol.50 No.3。湖相细粒沉积岩中晶粒方解石...萨尔凹陷二叠系芦草沟组为例_李克.pdf
[26] 韩学雨,李玉海,楼达,王文庆,王铸坤,孙沛沛,郑直,远光辉. 黄骅坳陷孔西斜坡区奥陶系原生油气藏成藏过程及模式,吉林大学学报(地球科学版),2023.3第53卷第2期。黄骅坳陷孔西斜坡区奥陶系原生油气藏成藏过程及模式_韩学雨.pdf
[27] 谢浩然,梁超,吴靖,籍士超。火山活动对沉积古环境及有机质富集的影响,古地理学报,2023.8,第25卷第4期。火山活动对沉积古环境及有机质富集的影响_谢浩然.pdf
[28] 操应长,梁超,韩豫,葸克来,王俊然,籍士超,梅俊芳。基于物质来源及成因的细粒沉积岩分类方案探讨,古地理学报,2023.8,第25卷第4期。基于物质来源及成因的细粒沉积岩分类方案探讨_操应长.pdf
[29] 葸克来,张媛媛,操应长,宫剑飞,李克,林敉若。孔喉微观润湿性对页岩油赋存的控制作用——以准噶尔盆地吉木萨尔凹陷二叠系芦草沟组纹层状页岩为例,石油勘探与开发,2023.4,Vol.50 No.2。孔喉微观润湿性对页岩油赋存...叠系芦草沟组纹层状页岩为例_葸克来.pdf
[30] 靳子濠,远光辉,张向涛,操应长,丁琳,李晓艳,傅筱涵. 砂岩储集层凝灰质溶蚀作用的差异 性及其物性响应——以珠一坳陷惠州—陆丰地区古近系文昌组为例,石油勘探与开发,2023.4,Vol.50 No.1。砂岩储集层凝灰质溶蚀作用的...—陆丰地区古近系文昌组为例_靳子濠.pdf
[31] 刘可禹,刘建良. 2023. 盆地沉积充填演化与含油气系统耦合模拟方法在超深层油气成藏模拟中的应用—以四川盆地中部震旦系灯影组为例. 石油学报,44(9):1445~1458.盆地沉积充填演化与含油气系...川盆地中部震旦系灯影组为例_刘可禹.pdf
[32] 刘可禹,杨鹏,杨海军,刘建良,宋雅雅,魏心卓. 重新审视深层油气成藏模式:以塔里木盆地为例. 地质学报,2023,doi: 10.19762/j.cnki.dizhixuebao.2023203.重新审视深层油气成藏模式:以塔里木盆地为例_刘可禹.pdf
[33] 刘可禹,张书林,杨鹏.低温相变过程对石英矿物中盐水包裹体再平衡作用的影响[J].石油实验地质, 2023, 45(5). DOI: 10.11781/sysydz202305000.低温相变过程对石英矿物中盐水包裹体再平衡作用的影响_刘可禹.pdf