[1] Yuan G., Jin Z., Cao Y., Liu K., Gluyas J. and Wang Y. Z., et al. (2022) Evolution of nc16h34-water-mineral systems in thermal capsules and geological implications for deeply-buried hydrocarbon reservoirs. Geosci. Front. 13, 101321-101322.
Evolution of nc16h34-water-mineral systems in thermal capsules and geological implications.pdf
[2] Yingchang Cao, Guanghui Yuan, Yanzhong Wang, Nianmin Zan, Zihao Jin, Keyu Liu, Kelai Xi, Yihan Wei & Peipei Sun. Successive formation of secondary pores via feldspar dissolution in deeply buried feldspar-rich clastic reservoirs in typical petroliferous basins and its petroleum geological significance Science China Earth Sciences, 65(2022), 1673–1703
[3] Zihao Jin, Guanghui Yuan, Yingchang Cao, Keyu Liu, Yanzhong Wang, Jianye Sun, Xiluo Hao, Ling Zhou, Yihan Wei & Shuqi Wu. Interactions between hydrocarbon-bearing fluids and calcite in fused silica capillary capsules and geological implications for deeply-buried hydrocarbon reservoirs. Science China Earth Sciences, 65(2022), 299–316
[4] Jian Wang*, Xintong Wang, Yingchang Cao, Fang Hao, Yuhan Pang, Lu Yun, Haijun Yang, Mingfeng Xie. Characteristics, fluid-rock interactions and origin of fault-karst reservoirs: An example from the ultra-deep Ordovician carbonates in the Tarim Basin, China. AAPG Bulletin, 2022.
[5] Xintong Wang, Jian Wang*, Yingchang Cao, Jun Han, Kongyou Wu, Yin Liu, Keyu Liu, Mingfeng Xie. Characteristics, formation mechanism and evolution model of Ordovician carbonate fault-controlled reservoirs in the Shunnan area of the Shuntuogole lower uplift, Tarim Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2022, 105878.
Characteristics, formation mechanism and evolution model of Ordovician carbonate.pdf
[6] Liang Chao, Wu Jing, Cao Yingchang, Liu Keyu, Khan Danish, Storage space development and hydrocarbon occurrence model controlled by lithofacies in the Eocene Jiyang Sub-basin, East China: Significance for shale oil reservoir formation, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022, 110631.
Storage space development and hydrocarbon occurrence model controlled by lithofacies.pdf
[7] Jianliang Liu, Keyu Liu*, Tristan Salles, Changwei Li. Factors controlling carbonate slope failures: Insight from stratigraphic forward modelling. Earth-Science Reviews, 2022, 232, 104108.
Factors controlling carbonate slope failures.pdf
[8] Kabir Shola Ahmed, Keyu Liu, Moussa Harouna, Jianliang Liu, Yuchen Fan. Characteristics of the Upper Cretaceous Yogou transitional formation and source rock potential, Niger rift basin. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 194, 104632.
Characteristics of the Upper Cretaceous Yogou transitional formation and.pdf
[9] Fan, Y., Liu, K., Yu, L., Liu, J. and Regenauer-Lieb, K., 2022. Assessment of multi-scale pore structures and pore connectivity domains of marine shales by fractal dimensions and correlation lengths. Fuel, 330: 125463.
Assessment of multi-scale pore structures and pore connectivity domains.pdf
[10] Fan, Y., Liu K., Pu, X. and Zhao, J., 2022. Morphological classification and three-dimensional pore structure reconstruction of shale reservoirs: A case from the second member of the Kongdian Formation in the Cangdong Sag, Bohai Bay Basin. Petroleum exploration and development, 49(5).
Morphological classification and three-dimensional pore structure reconstruction of shale reservoirs.pdf
[11] Peng Yang, Keyu Liu, Zhen Li, Kai Rankenburg, Brent I.A. McInnes, Jianliang Liu, Noreen J. Evans. Direct dating Paleo-fluid flow events in sedimentary basins. Chemical Geology, 2022, 588, 120642.
Direct dating Paleo-fluid flow events in sedimentary basins.pdf
[12] Liu, W., Liu, K., Liu, J., Zhang, Y., 2022. Geomorphologic evolution of the northern Tibetan Plateau in the Quaternary: Tectonic and climatic controls. Interpretation, 10(1), T57-T72.
[13] Tian, Y. Liu, K. Pu, X. et al., 2022. Aplication of fluorescence spectroscopy in geological evaluation of shale oil[J]. Acta Petrolei Sinica,43(6):816-828.
[14] 范雨辰,陈磊,刘可禹,俞凌杰,刘建良,储层润湿性及孔隙水赋存对页岩储集空间的影响,中南大学学报(自然科学版),第 53 卷第 9 期,2022 年 9 月
[15] 柴君林,王艳忠*,王铸坤,王淑萍,李宇志,弭连山,周磊. 惠民凹陷江家店地区古近系沙河街组物源体系特征与演化. 沉积学报, 2022, 网络发表.
[16] 操应长,远光辉, 杨海军,王艳忠,刘可禹,昝念民,葸克来,王健. 含油气盆地深层—超深层碎屑岩油气勘探现状与优质储层成因研究进展. 石油学报,2022,43(1):112-140.
[17] 操应长,远光辉,王艳忠,昝念民,靳子濠,刘可禹,葸克来,魏亦晗,孙沛沛. 典型含油气盆地深层富长石碎屑岩储层长石溶蚀接力成孔认识及其油气地质意义. 中国科学: 地球科学, 2022, 52(9): 1694–1725.
[18] 靳子濠,远光辉,操应长,刘可禹,王艳忠,孙建业,郝锡荦,周玲,魏亦晗,吴姝琪. 含烃流体与方解石的相互作用模拟实验及其地质意义. 中国科学: 地球科学,2022, 52(4): 714–731
[19] 孙沛沛,操应长,周立宏,远光辉,靳子濠,吴智平等,大港探区扣村潜山带二叠系优质砂岩储层成因机制,中国石油大学学报(自然科学版). 2022,46(02)
[20] 刘海宁,韩宏伟,操应长,曲志鹏,张云银,杨田。东营凹陷东坡古近系沙三中亚段异重流沉积特征与沉积模式,中国石油大学学报(自然科学版). 2022,46(01)
[21] 杨鹏, 刘可禹, LI Zhen, MCINNES Brent Ian Alexander, 刘建良. 塔里木盆地跃参地区YJ1X井超深层油藏演化. 石油勘探与开发, 2022, 49(02): 262-273.
[22] 田雨,刘可禹,蒲秀刚,等.荧光光谱技术在页岩油地质评价中的应用[J]。石油学报,2022,43(6):816-828.
发布人:葸克来 发布时间:2022-06-20 浏览次数:10
[1] Yuan G., Jin Z., Cao Y., Liu K., Gluyas J. and Wang Y. Z., et al. (2022) Evolution of nc16h34-water-mineral systems in thermal capsules and geological implications for deeply-buried hydrocarbon reservoirs. Geosci. Front. 13, 101321-101322.Evolution of nc16h34-water-mineral systems in thermal capsules and geological implications.pdf
[2] Yingchang Cao, Guanghui Yuan, Yanzhong Wang, Nianmin Zan, Zihao Jin, Keyu Liu, Kelai Xi, Yihan Wei & Peipei Sun. Successive formation of secondary pores via feldspar dissolution in deeply buried feldspar-rich clastic reservoirs in typical petroliferous basins and its petroleum geological significance Science China Earth Sciences, 65(2022), 1673–1703
[3] Zihao Jin, Guanghui Yuan, Yingchang Cao, Keyu Liu, Yanzhong Wang, Jianye Sun, Xiluo Hao, Ling Zhou, Yihan Wei & Shuqi Wu. Interactions between hydrocarbon-bearing fluids and calcite in fused silica capillary capsules and geological implications for deeply-buried hydrocarbon reservoirs. Science China Earth Sciences, 65(2022), 299–316
[4] Jian Wang*, Xintong Wang, Yingchang Cao, Fang Hao, Yuhan Pang, Lu Yun, Haijun Yang, Mingfeng Xie. Characteristics, fluid-rock interactions and origin of fault-karst reservoirs: An example from the ultra-deep Ordovician carbonates in the Tarim Basin, China. AAPG Bulletin, 2022.
[5] Xintong Wang, Jian Wang*, Yingchang Cao, Jun Han, Kongyou Wu, Yin Liu, Keyu Liu, Mingfeng Xie. Characteristics, formation mechanism and evolution model of Ordovician carbonate fault-controlled reservoirs in the Shunnan area of the Shuntuogole lower uplift, Tarim Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2022, 105878.Characteristics, formation mechanism and evolution model of Ordovician carbonate.pdf
[6] Liang Chao, Wu Jing, Cao Yingchang, Liu Keyu, Khan Danish, Storage space development and hydrocarbon occurrence model controlled by lithofacies in the Eocene Jiyang Sub-basin, East China: Significance for shale oil reservoir formation, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022, 110631.Storage space development and hydrocarbon occurrence model controlled by lithofacies.pdf
[7] Jianliang Liu, Keyu Liu*, Tristan Salles, Changwei Li. Factors controlling carbonate slope failures: Insight from stratigraphic forward modelling. Earth-Science Reviews, 2022, 232, 104108.Factors controlling carbonate slope failures.pdf
[8] Kabir Shola Ahmed, Keyu Liu, Moussa Harouna, Jianliang Liu, Yuchen Fan. Characteristics of the Upper Cretaceous Yogou transitional formation and source rock potential, Niger rift basin. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 194, 104632.Characteristics of the Upper Cretaceous Yogou transitional formation and.pdf
[9] Fan, Y., Liu, K., Yu, L., Liu, J. and Regenauer-Lieb, K., 2022. Assessment of multi-scale pore structures and pore connectivity domains of marine shales by fractal dimensions and correlation lengths. Fuel, 330: 125463.Assessment of multi-scale pore structures and pore connectivity domains.pdf
[10] Fan, Y., Liu K., Pu, X. and Zhao, J., 2022. Morphological classification and three-dimensional pore structure reconstruction of shale reservoirs: A case from the second member of the Kongdian Formation in the Cangdong Sag, Bohai Bay Basin. Petroleum exploration and development, 49(5).Morphological classification and three-dimensional pore structure reconstruction of shale reservoirs.pdf
[11] Peng Yang, Keyu Liu, Zhen Li, Kai Rankenburg, Brent I.A. McInnes, Jianliang Liu, Noreen J. Evans. Direct dating Paleo-fluid flow events in sedimentary basins. Chemical Geology, 2022, 588, 120642.Direct dating Paleo-fluid flow events in sedimentary basins.pdf
[12] Liu, W., Liu, K., Liu, J., Zhang, Y., 2022. Geomorphologic evolution of the northern Tibetan Plateau in the Quaternary: Tectonic and climatic controls. Interpretation, 10(1), T57-T72.
[13] Tian, Y. Liu, K. Pu, X. et al., 2022. Aplication of fluorescence spectroscopy in geological evaluation of shale oil[J]. Acta Petrolei Sinica,43(6):816-828.
[14] 范雨辰,陈磊,刘可禹,俞凌杰,刘建良,储层润湿性及孔隙水赋存对页岩储集空间的影响,中南大学学报(自然科学版),第 53 卷第 9 期,2022 年 9 月储层润湿性及孔隙水赋存对页岩储集空间的影响_范雨辰.pdf
[15] 柴君林,王艳忠*,王铸坤,王淑萍,李宇志,弭连山,周磊. 惠民凹陷江家店地区古近系沙河街组物源体系特征与演化. 沉积学报, 2022, 网络发表.惠民凹陷江家店地区古近系沙河街组物源体系特征与演化_柴君林.pdf
[16] 操应长,远光辉, 杨海军,王艳忠,刘可禹,昝念民,葸克来,王健. 含油气盆地深层—超深层碎屑岩油气勘探现状与优质储层成因研究进展. 石油学报,2022,43(1):112-140.含油气盆地深层—超深层碎屑...现状与优质储层成因研究进展_操应长.pdf
[17] 操应长,远光辉,王艳忠,昝念民,靳子濠,刘可禹,葸克来,魏亦晗,孙沛沛. 典型含油气盆地深层富长石碎屑岩储层长石溶蚀接力成孔认识及其油气地质意义. 中国科学: 地球科学, 2022, 52(9): 1694–1725.典型含油气盆地深层富长石碎...力成孔认识及其油气地质意义_操应长.pdf
[18] 靳子濠,远光辉,操应长,刘可禹,王艳忠,孙建业,郝锡荦,周玲,魏亦晗,吴姝琪. 含烃流体与方解石的相互作用模拟实验及其地质意义. 中国科学: 地球科学,2022, 52(4): 714–731含烃流体与方解石的相互作用模拟实验及其地质意义_靳子濠.pdf
[19] 孙沛沛,操应长,周立宏,远光辉,靳子濠,吴智平等,大港探区扣村潜山带二叠系优质砂岩储层成因机制,中国石油大学学报(自然科学版). 2022,46(02)大港探区扣村潜山带二叠系优质砂岩储层成因机制_孙沛沛.pdf
[20] 刘海宁,韩宏伟,操应长,曲志鹏,张云银,杨田。东营凹陷东坡古近系沙三中亚段异重流沉积特征与沉积模式,中国石油大学学报(自然科学版). 2022,46(01)东营凹陷东坡古近系沙三中亚段异重流沉积特征与沉积模式_刘海宁.pdf
[21] 杨鹏, 刘可禹, LI Zhen, MCINNES Brent Ian Alexander, 刘建良. 塔里木盆地跃参地区YJ1X井超深层油藏演化. 石油勘探与开发, 2022, 49(02): 262-273.塔里木盆地跃参地区YJ1X井超深层油藏演化_杨鹏.pdf
[22] 田雨,刘可禹,蒲秀刚,等.荧光光谱技术在页岩油地质评价中的应用[J]。石油学报,2022,43(6):816-828.荧光光谱技术在页岩油地质评价中的应用_田雨.pdf